Here's another detail shot. This one is a Plymouth. I called the picture "Dew Drop."
But the real reason goes back to 2008. I took a photography class in Hermosa Beach CA. After the introduction that covered basic camera information and scene selection, the instructor gave us a practical - go down to the main street in Hermosa Beach and make pictures at the car show there. The instructor said that there were many design details (headlights, logos, mirrors, wheels) that photographers usually overlook. He said that we didn't have to make pictures of the whole body. Don’t have to make pictures of the whole body? Is it possible?
Yes! And I was hooked. So here are a couple of my close-ups.
Hermosa Beach Pontiac:
This was my first exposure to making pictures of autos but it wasn’t my last. Every year I return to the Culver City Auto Show hoping to see if the beautiful 1937 Cord is back, but I never saw it again.