On December 10 Moorpass Krampus from Austria and the Los Angeles Krampus Troupe took over Downtown LA. and spread their own form of Christmas cheer.
Who are Krampus? They're the creatures who take part in the Krampuslauf. This Krampus Run, held every December 5th, is meant to terrorize bad boys and girls. This is the night before St. Nicholas arrives on his day - December 6th. While St. Nicholas gives out presents to good boys and girls, parents threaten their kids that Krampus will give out whippings to the bad ones. Krampus can even go so far as to abduct the naughty ones and take them to Hell. During these cold December days, Krampus and St. Nicholas sort of hang out together.
The Krampusplauf (Krampus Run) comes from Austria and Germany. It's not a U.S. tradition but is slowly becoming one. If you're interested, here are some sites that explore Krampus in more depth:
I stumbled on Krampus about five years ago while I was browsing the internet and since then I've been interested to learn more about this custom. I never thought I'd see any Krampus in LA. But when I saw a posting on Facebook that there was going to be a Krampuslauf during the 2015 DTLA Art Walk, I had to go.
I knew from the Facebook page that the action was going to start at The Must Restaurant on Windsor St., between 4th and 5th near Main. I arrived there just as the Moorpass Krampuses did and I followed them down the stairs and into the Krampus "Green Room" in the basement. I hung out with the Krampus for a while. We didn't talk very much - they seemed reluctant to say much and I was afraid to use what was left of my high school German; but I did get to see their costumes up close.
Some Masks:
(to be continued)